
How Does It Feel To Fall In Love Again & Again?

Ladies & Gentleman before i voice out my voice here, I would like to say that this post does not relate to any living or not living human being which is in love...

Here goes,

Well, I everytime will realise that a partner of love will not fail to love each other no matter what type of situations they are in. This is because they really care and understand each other very well. So my question now is how does that expression of falling in love again & again really ben applied? It is because you both are already in love but how you both realise the love in much more deeper way of two different souls? We also know that love is born many types of relationship example parents & child relationship, best friends, nature and more. Does the same situation happen here o is it only when you are in love birds? So friends, hope you will share your mind and thoughts here so that everyone could take this as a lesson in love life (especially for me)

Thank you.


TAR Students Too Free...

Friends, i caught this video below and check it out by urself...Its amazing....


Something About India Prime Minister

I receive this oarticulars and this really has impress me about Dr Manmohan Singh :


Name: Dr Manmohan Singh

DOB: September 26, 1932

Place of Birth: Gah ( West Punjab )

Father: S. Gurmukh Singh

Mother: Mrs Amrit Kaur

Married on: September 14, 1958

Wife: Mrs Gursharan Kaur

Children: Three daughters

EDUCATION /Qualification:

1950: Stood first in BA (Hons), Economics, Punjab University , Chandigarh ,
1952; Stood first in MA (Economics), Punjab University , Chandigarh ,
1954; Wright's Prize for distinguished performance at St John's
College , Cambridge
1955 and 1957; Wrenbury scholar, University of Cambridge ,
1957; DPhil ( Oxford ), DLitt (Honoris Causa); PhD thesis on India 's
export competitiveness

OCCUPATION /Teaching Experience :

Professor (Senior lecturer, Economics, 1957-59;
Reader, Economics, 1959-63;
Professor, Economics, Punjab University , Chandigarh , 1963-65;
Professor,International Trade, Delhi School of Economics ,University
of Delhi,1969-71 ;
Honorary professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University ,New Delhi,1976 and
Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi ,1996 and Civil Servant

Working Experience/ POSITIONS :

1971-72: Economic advisor, ministry of foreign trade
1972-76: Chief economic advisor, ministry of finance

1976-80: Director, Reserve Bank of India ;
Director, Industrial Development Bank of India ;
Alternate governor for India, Board of governors, Asian Development Bank;
Alternate governor for India, Board of governors, IBRD

November 1976 - April 1980: Secretary, ministry of finance
(Department of economic affairs);
Member, finance, Atomic Energy Commission; Member,finance, Space Commission

April 1980 - September 15, 1982 : Member-secretary, Planning Commission

1980-83: Chairman , India Committee of the Indo-Japan joint study committee

September 16, 1982 - January 14, 1985 : Governor, Reserve Bank of India .

1982-85: Alternate Governor for India , Board of governors,
International Monetary Fund

1983-84: Member, economic advisory council to the Prime Minister

1985: President, Indian Economic Association

January 15, 1985 - July 31, 1987 : Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission

August 1, 1987 - November 10, 19! 90: Secretary-general and commissioner,
south commission, Geneva

December 10, 1990 - March 14, 1991 : Advisor to the Prime Minister on
economic affairs

March 15, 1991 - June 20, 1991 : Chairman, UGC

June 21, 1991 - May 15, 1996 : Union finance minister

October 1991: Elected to Rajya Sabha from Assam on Congress ticket

June 1995: Re-elected to Rajya Sabha

1996 onwards: Member, Consultative Committee for the ministry of finance

August 1, 1996 - December 4, 1997: Chairman, Parliamentary standing
on commerce

March 21, 1998 onwards: Leader of the Opposition, Rajya Sabha

June 5, 1998 onwards: Member, committee on finance

August 13, 1998 onwards: Member, committee on rules

Aug 1998-2001: Member, committee of privileges 2000 onwards: Member,
executive committee, Indian parliamentary group

June 2001: Re-elected to Rajya Sabha

Aug 2001 onwards: Member, general purposes committee


India 's Export Trends and Prospects for Self-Sustained Growth -
Clarendon Press, Oxford University , 1964; also published a large
number of articles in various economic journals.


Adam Smith Prize, University of Cambridge , 1956

Padma Vibhushan, 1987

Euro money Award, Finance Minister of the Year, 1993;

Asia money Award, Finance Minister of the Year for Asia , 1993 and 1994


1966: Economic Affairs Officer

1966-69: Chief, financing for trade section, UNCTAD

1972-74: Deputy for India in IMF Committee of Twenty on
International Monetary Reform

1977-79: Indian delegation to Aid-India Consortium Meetings

1980-82: Indo-Soviet joint planning group meeting

1982: Indo-Soviet monitoring group meeting

1993: Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting Cyprus 1993: Human
Rights World Conference
, Vienna


Gymkhana Club, New Delhi ; Life Member, India International Centre,
New Delhi

Indian Prime Minister seems to be the most qualified PM all over the world.


Penang USM Hockey Carnival

Hello friends,
I am back posting my blog again after a long time due to assignment submission. Oh ya, I recently just came back from penang with my hockey teamates after playing in International Open Category. We believe that we can play in any levels and meeting new players around the world who really love hockey. We started with our journey on Thursday nite around midnite to penang. We also been company by Kak Siti and her son, Syazwan and also our drivers Abg Lan and Abg Suhairi. The journey for the trip is around 6 hours due to stopping in few rest places along the highway. The nite journey was so gloomy with the dark highway and also many trucks on road. All of us didnt sleep in the bus because the excitment in us involving in this major tournament. The boys team play with Sri Lanka, Thailand and also with a Indonesia team while the girls played superb game against Australia Ladies Hockey Team. We show that size does not matter as our girls shorter than them. For me, this tournament will enhance us in playing more hockey tornament.

Xtreme Hockey


MHL Fixture (E&Y Vs Sapura, Maybank Vs National Juniors)19th November 2008

To all hockey fans, today there will be 2 great matches need to be watch. The games are :

Sapura Vs Ernst & Young
Kuala Lumpur Hockey Stadium, 8pm

Maybank Vs National Juniors
Seremban 2 Hockey Stadium, 5pm

Sapura needs to win or draw the game against Ernst & Young to be 2nd in group because they share the same points with Tenaga with 12 points. Sapura has the advantage of 1 game in hand to maintain 2nd in league. So, boys and girls dont miss this great game today....

Xtreme Hockey.


Why Does A Person Smokes After Having His/Her Meal?

First, I would to inform to all my friends who are reading this post that this post has nothing to do with anyone specificly. It is a question which has made me think of it for a long time.

Dear friends,

If you are a smoker [I am not saying U all are bad :-) ], I would like to know why does situation happens? What kind of feelings you all get by having a smoke after meal. I been looking around my friends and also people around me no matter where is it, this situation happens.I would like your humble opinion so that others will know the real explanation....

Thank you.

p/s : Please do answer my poll beside by blog. I would like to know your answers about the questions there.....


Hockey Matches Day...

It was Sunday morning, I was thinking about the matches between National Juniors vs Adijon (Uzbekistan) for 3rd placing and also the finals of Ernst & Young Vs Olympic Village, Pakistan. Soon later when dad was reading the newspaper, he said that 3rd placing match is between Adijon Vs Thailand Royal Airforce. I was like suprise to hear about that because National Juniors beat them 13 - 0. So me and my brother decided to go for the games at Pantai Hockey Stadium. As we arrive the crowd appearence was superb and also been join with my teamtes Fid,Aina (Adik), Idang,Rina and also Aizal. We also been join by Idah and her best friend, Azad All I can say that the stadium was almost full. The matches was simply superb with Adijon scored 4 goals while Ernst & Young won with 7 - 2 against Olympic Village. The results of the championship was :

Champions : Ernst & Young
2nd : Olympic Village, Pakistan
3rd : Adijon, Uzbekistan

Rite after the tournament ended, I and Fid decided to stay that night for TNB against Sapura game. For both us, it is going to be a superb game with clashes and arguements. Once a again, the game Umpire cause alot of problems. That had created many unsatisfy TNB fans. It was great to sell all the players played their very best and good sportsmanship. It was the battle of 2nd placing which Sapura are aiming to grab in their hands. The game ended with Sapura won 3 - 2 with TNB.

It was really an enjoying and tiring day as it was fun and great.....


I Made My Best Friend Angry...I am Sorry

Well its all started in this week, our routine training starts for USM International Tournament. For all of us this is something that we should miss out this year. This is because this tournament give us a good lesson of learning new style of playing by many other various teams from all Malaysia and Asia. But as normal, issues will arise with some technical errors such as miss communication between 2 parties, hotel booking and many more. Instead of that I have 3 important task which is important as a student to this week. So i decided not to play my regular position as a Goalkeeper instead just a normal player. I know it was my mistake by not informing my team captain and also my friend. Today, I did another mistake by going training late because I woke up late due to ate medicine because of headache. And yeah, I forgot to bring Keeper Set....

I am so sorry...


Asian Club Championship Fixtures ( 13th - 16th November 2008)

Hello friends,
This are the fixtures and teams would be involve for the Championship. The venue of each game will be announce later. Please do keep in touch with me or my friend, Fid (blazenet_remix)


Nov 13: Ernst & Young v National Juniors (5pm), Olympian Village Club v Adijon (7pm).

Nov 14: Royal Thai Airforce v National Juniors (5pm), Singapore Recreation Club v Olympian Village Club (7pm).

Nov 15: Ernst & Young v Royal Thai Airforce (5pm), Singapore Recreation Club v Adijon (7pm).

Nov 16: Final -- 5pm; Third-Fourth: 3pm.

P/s : I will be supporting National Juniors for the tournament...All The Best To Them


How Should We Know Our Life Partner Are Meant For Us?

This question had been playing in my mind when ever I see all the love birds around me. These love birds could be your best friend, your family members, people around us and many more. When ever I see them, I ask this questions :

1. How we know that person is our life partner?

2. How can we recognize this sign?

3. How this bond will make us together till our last breath?

4. How to know what type of marriage is ours going to be ( arrange / love ) ?

5. How does it feel being in a relationship?

Well friends, this are question I am having rite now in my mind. I am seriously blank on handling this situation. I really hope all my friends which are kind enough please do give me some answers no matter u are because we all will experience this in our life now. Please do comment yea....That all for now...


Sapura Vs Malaysia Juniors (MHL League)

It was friday noon,so me and fid went for lunch. During lunch, Fid said there will be MHL game that night which is :

TNB Vs E&Y, Sapura Vs Malaysia Juniors, Maybank Vs Nur Insafi.

I was really into TNB and E&Y game because, I really know how E&Y play their game because I was invited before to play with them. But the situation dont really support me because the game been played in Pantai Stadium and the timing at that time will be jame all place. So me n Fid decided to watch Sapura & M'sia Juniors game at Bukit Jalil. We also was join by Azad, Chap & Huda. The game was simply superb. The Malaysian team really show no sign of losing hope fast because at first 15 minutes they were down 3 goals scored by Sapura's Jiwan Mohan, Keevan Raj and another guy.( I dono bout him). The young team played well in 1st half with scoring back 2 goals till the whistle blown with the score 3 - 2. Oh ya by da way the Umpire of that game was so careless in making decision which had made the players and the crowd so angry at him. I was really angry till I felt want to go to the field and knock his head. The second half, the game was much more interesting when Sapura scored another 2 goals with the score 4 - 2. This is the time the Malaysian Juniors show good 'fight' and drew the game to 4 - 4 score. For me, it was really a pleasure to watch....

p/s : Sapura players under estimated Malaysian Juniors during the game. To S.Kuhan, Maninderjit Singh, Keevan raj and also Jiwa Mohan, I know you are the best players I watch playing hockey since 12 years ago. Hope you all play good hockey always no matter you all decided to quit the Malaysian Squad. I really respect your decisions and hope your beautiful style of playing hockey will make me as a player like you all...
