
'I'm a Standout in Life'

Standout anyone? The first expression for everyone's would be like "No" because the fear of standing in front of many people and talk. As for me, this a wonderful chance not to be wasted because this will the fear in ourselves go far away. This is because, standout would be something important which I to accomplish more and more.
As for me, I as the Director had hosted "MMU 9 A-SIDE HOCKEY TOURNAMENT" which was been held at Seremban 2 Hockey Stadium, on 4th April 2009. This event remarks a new history been made in MMU by hosting this event. This is because, as MMU been established there was no hockey event been hosted through out the University's academic years. The tournament was superbly hosted well with numerous Universities & Colleges attended this prestigous event such as :
1. Mutimedia University Cyberjaya
2. Universiti Teknologi Petronas
3. Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.
4. UITM Melaka
5. Universiti Sains Malaysia

6. UPM Alumni
7. Batu Pahat College
and also a participation of "Tunku Kurshiah College,Seremban" which is a secondary school which has proven that hockey does not need a senior age to win a game. Well done Girls...
This are the some of the tournament pictures...

The boys are in action ( Batu Pahat College vs UTEM )

The USM Girls Team from Penang

Our Club Banner

The Cheer Of All The Participating Teams


Is it wrong to celebrate Altantuya's birthday?

Is it wrong to celebrate Altantuya's birthday? Its been 3 years of her mysterious death but she is also a human being like us. I was shock when I read the news below..Have a glance and let us think, Is it wrong to celebrate Altantuya's birthday?

News source from Malaysia kini :
Tiga ditahan di depan kompleks pejabat perdana menteri di Putrajaya selepas cuba "menyambut ulang tahun kelahiran Altantuya Shaariibuu", wanita Mongolia yang dibunuh tiga tahun lepas.

Sani Md Shah ditahan jam 11.15 pagi apabila memegang kek hari jadi, sementara Saufi Mihat dan Yasir Sheikh Abdul Rahman ditahan tidak lama selepas itu sewaktu memegang kain rentang di depan pintu masuk kompleks tersebut.

Ketiga-tiganya kemudian dibawa ke ibu pejabat polis daerah Putrajaya.

Kek seberat 5kg dan kain rentang itu yang dibawa oleh aktivis Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) yang diketuai pemimpin PKR Badrul Hisham Shaharin turut dirampas polis.

Kek putih dan kain itu bertulisan "Selamat Hari Jadi Altantuya". Jika masih hidup, wanita itu kini berusia 31 tahun.