
What Is It About Loving Someone Which Is Not Same Religion As Us….

Hello friends,

I am back again with another situation. Its just that I love thinking this type of situation because we might know who are the ones having this type of situation. So here goes the question : “What Is It About Loving Someone Which Is Not Same Religion As Us….”

The Bond Of Two Souls Of Different Race

The Bond Of Two Souls Of Different Race

1. Is it wrong to love the person as the situation as above?

2. Will the boy or girl accept the difference of religion understanding?

3. Is it wrong for a non-Muslim love a Muslim person? What if one of them dont really follow the understanding and teaching of Islamic instead just being themselves as how they are?

4. Will the parents accept this situation after a long time rising ur their child?

5. What will the community think about this situation?

6. Lastly, Is it right or wrong?

Guys and girls I really hope you all give me something that make me clarify about this situation

p/s : This situation is not related to anyone which is alive of dead…

Thank you